- Full time employee

Full time employee


Full time employee list of documents (T4 slips and other T-forms). .


  • Charge free option: you should invite 4 of your friends who belong to the same or higher tax payer's category
  • Regular option price: $50.00

List of most common documents for personal income tax return:


  • copy and paste the table below into your text editor (MS Word, MS Excel),
  • fill this table for you and your spouse (if any),
  • put numbers into the "Value/Check mark" column,
    put "X" into the "Value/Check mark" column as an indicator that you have attached a file with some information,
  • remove all lines what do not apply to you (or leave them empty),
  • send this table to us if you do income tax return remotely, bring it with you if you do your income tax return in the office.
Title Mandatory Value/ check mark
Latest income tax return -
S.I.N. +*
Telephone number +
Mailing address +
Your date of birth +*
Gender +
Date of landing (if you arrived to Canada in the year of tax report) +
Marital status +
Are you Canadian citizen? +
Do you have a property outside of Canada value over $100,000 CAD? (it is mandatory) +
Did you pay rent? If yes, how much and what is your Landlord's name. +
T4, Statement of Remuneration paid -
T4A, Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity and Other Income -
T4E, Statement of Employment Insurance and Other Benefits -
T4A (OAS), Statement of Old Age Security -
T4A (P), Statement of Canada Pension Plan Benefits -
T4RSP, Statement of RRSP Income -
T5007, Statement of Benefits -
RC210, Working Income Tax Benefit Advance Payments Statement -
T5, Statement of Investment Income -
T3, Statement of Trust Income -
RRSP Contribution Slips -
Medical (dental) receipts -
Charitable donation receipts -
T2202A, Tuition, Education, and Textbook Amounts Certificate -
Interest paid on student loan(s) -
Professional /union dues -
Spouse support: payment, income -
Dependent information (children, parents, spouse) -
Child Care Expenses: receipts. -
Property Tax paid -
Transit Pass receipts -
Capital Gain/Losses records -

- Not mandatory

+ Mandatory

+* - applicable to those who does his/her income tax return first time with us.